The law requires you have a passport, registered in your ownership, for each horse, donkey or mule you own. You must keep the passport updated. ALL horses kept in Great Britain must be microchipped and have that microchip number officially linked to the passport by the issuer. If you have a Horse Passport Agency passport (which we issue) or a Pleasure Horse Society passport (which we maintain) we can help. For all other passports please contact the passport issuer. We have been helping horse owners since 2003 and have issued 297755 passports
If your horse has never had a passport we can help. Our passports can be issued the same day and start from just £28.80. They look great too!
Make sure your horses passport is registered in your ownership and is officially linked to a microchip. If your horse has been signed out of the food chain ensure this has been recorded on the database. Most updates, for Horse Passport Agency passports, can be done online via your Owner Services account.
If you have lost your passport you will need to get a Duplicate of the original.